domenica 31 maggio 2009

Marcel Janco 1895– 1984

Janco was born to a Jewish family in Bucharest
painter and architect
friend and compatriot of Tristan Tzara

He was among the founders of the Dadaist movement at Cabaret Voltaire in Zürich

In 1922, he returned to Romania and worked as an architect and painter
In 1941 he left for Mandate Palestine to escape the Nazis

In 1953 Janco established the Ein Hod artists' village near Haifa

Towards the end of his life he helped found the Dada museum in Ein Hod which bears his name

Janco died on 21 April 1984 at the age of 89

He was my uncle and here is a letter of his:

2 commenti:

Glória ha detto...

Myra, vim retribuir a simpática visita que fez ao meu blog. Andei passeando por aqui e pelo seu outro blog e adorei tudo o que vi. Fantástica a definição "Her only country is friendship, love and justice for all." Achei maravilhosa!


Anonimo ha detto...

Suas postagens estão ótimas! Me avise quando fizer a do Wesley!

Bjs e bom final de Domingo